ALUD Learning Platform

It is the University of Deusto’s Moodle platform for teaching. It can host the materials of the subjects (documents, videos, links...) as well as the tasks to be carried out by the students. It also allows interaction between teachers and students.

If you are a teaching staff member at UD

  • If you don't know how to use ALUD we recommend you to take this Basic Online Course of ALUD in which you will learn the basics of the platform to manage with agility in it, adding learning resources, tasks, communication spaces, etc.

  • You can access to an ALUD tutorial for UD teaching staff:

If you are a student at UD

You can consult this ALUD Guide for students in which you will find all the necessary information about the platform.

Tutorials to answer frequently asked questions for teaching staff

Tutorials to answer frequently asked questions for students